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Nourish around the eyes with natural extracts

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Nourish around the eyes with natural extracts

The skin around the eyes is more problematic than the rest because it is the most active part of facial expression, also can be called an indicator of a woman's age. Many people are serious about solving eye problems, whether dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes, crow's feet, and under-eye bags make the face look older, or sometimes have to apply a thick foundation that will help cover various wrinkles to be shallow. For this reason, if restoring moisture to a beautiful pair of eyes, it is like lifting your face to look bright and younger at the same time as well.

Change your thought, if you ever do like this.

1. The skin in this area is fragile when encountering a strong cream will accumulate irritation and makes it very shabby.

2. Dark circles under the eyes, some people misunderstand that caused by pigment. As a result, they recruit whitening to wipe around the eyes.

3. Nourishing cream must also observe the label of the cream, that this cream should avoid apply the area around the eyes or not.

4. If using eye creams that tell properties to decrease dark circles under the eyes for a while and then look dark as a panda bear, you should discontinue use and consult a doctor.

5. Make-up every day, when washing cosmetics, will wipe the eye area many times and wipe strongly too.

6. Sleep late but get up early and never apply eye cream. If you are 30 years old, eye cream is very important.

7. Choose a cheap eye cream that is not gentle on the skin around the eyes.

8. The sensitivity of each skin is not equal. You should study thoroughly before using eye cream.



Moisturizes the skin around the eyes.

            The turn to skin care around the eyes appropriately should choose skincare products around the eyes that are gentle to the eyes that contain moisturizers to help increase moisture and natural extracts that can stimulate the production of collagen. Thus, it helps reduces wrinkles under the eyes, dark circles under the eye, adding moisture to the under-eye bags, naturally looking youthful, and have bright eyes around with Rice Essence Eye Cream. This eye cream is a secret recipe by Dr. Ruang Khao with natural extracts that are gentle on the eyes.

  • Rice seed extract: softens the skin around the eyes, moisturizes, and reduces dark circles.
  • Macadamia extract: a good moisturizer for the skin. Furthermore, the cream is more easily absorbed into the skin.
  • Olive oil extract: rich in vitamin b and vitamin E. What's more, it helps to slow down anti-aging.

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Beauty TIP: Thermage Eye Reborn Treatment at Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic

            The expertise of a medical team that specialized in the skin around the eyes combined with the development of thermage head Tip, be able to treat the upper eyelid, and under the eyes. This treatment is suitable for those who have under-eye bags, wrinkles around the eyes, eyelids falling, sleepy eye, dark circles under the eye that want the eyes big round, and bright. The principle of the Thermage Eye Tip is to release RF (radiofrequency) waves from the small tip, into appropriate depth, passing over the skin around the eyes. Likewise, radiofrequency energy (RF) is sent deeper into the eye muscles to action better, make the eyes look bigger, including stimulating the creation of collagen under the skin. As a result, the skin will firmness in the long run as well.


The procedure of Thermage Eye Reborn

1. Apply anesthesia for approximately 45 minutes or maybe not apply anesthesia.

2. The doctor will examine and design the lifting guidelines or positions that need to be emphasized or abstain clearly.

3. The staff will attach a sheet with the Grid Paper to the surface.

4. Doctors wear soft eye shields like contact lenses to protect the eyeball.

5. Start treatment using approximately 30-45 minutes without surgery and no need to recuperate.

*** After treatment, you will be no pain but may have a pinkish skin for 1 hour. Moreover, you can make-up and use skincare products, or do normal activities, which recommended doing about once a year to maintain the youthfulness of the skin around the eyes.