fbpx What is the best of Ulthera Authentic? | ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา ถุงใต้ตา โดยหมอรวงข้าว และทีมจักษุศัลยแพทย์ ออกแบบดวงตา วิเคราะห์ปัญหาตรงจุด

What is the best of Ulthera Authentic?

Ulthera Authentic innovation is a solution for those looking for the best way to tighten the sagging skin, slender face shape, and increase clarity of face shape with a small point of energy delivered. It turns into heat energy and heading to the boundaries of the SMAS layer for lifting the eyebrows and tails, adjust smooth skin and decrease wrinkles with only one treatment, the results can be pleasant for 1-2 years without surgery and not waste time recuperating. So, when it comes to Ulthera Authentic at Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic, you can be sure it’s a real machine and we import it correctly and we have a specialist team with high knowledge of new technologies and experiences.

What is the best of Ulthera Authentic?

- Genuine machines and can be inspected.

- Laser innovation that helps lift, tighten, and adjust slender face shape, surgical equivalent performance.

- It can release energy deeply to the SMAS layer used by surgical surgeons to perform facial pull surgery.

- Made by a dermatologist and facial image adjustment.

- Results last up to 1-2 years.

- No surgery, no wounds, and no time recuperate.

- Certified by U.S. FDA