fbpx Epicanthoplasty article by Dr.Roungkaw with Thairath

Epicanthoplasty article by Dr.Roungkaw with Thairath


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The new trend of epicanthoplasty and obtains beautiful eyes like a celebrity.

If talking about the surgery that celebrities are talking about and very popular right now. It cannot escape "Epicanthoplasty" because in addition to making the eyes look sweeter, but also helps to see the nose bridge more clearly and the nose will appear more prominent. That's why epicanthoplasty is a new trend that is strong both domestics and foreign countries. Today, we bring up an interview article with an eye specialist in Thailand.

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person. ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล


What is an epicanthoplasty?

Dr.Comepeerapon Siripakkaphant or Dr.Roungkaw

Specialist in epicanthoplasty surgery and the beauty around the eyes revealed that "In most cases, the eyes of Thais tend have a curved texture that covers the inner canthus of the eye quite a lot. This will cause eyes too far apart or see the little sclera area. All of this makes the eyes look small or make them look like strabismus. So, epicanthoplasty is a direct surgery on the point and suitable for Thai women. "

An epicanthoplasty is a skin decorate that covers the inner canthus of the eye to be wider. When done, the change is to make the overall eye shape are long and slender. Moreover, the eyes it will look bigger and sweeter, see more area of the sclera in the inner corner of the eye and the black eye is directly in the center of the eye, as well as, reducing the distance between both eyes. Resulting in the prominent nose bridge and for some people with single eyelids or eye-ptosis cover the eye layer. So, makes the double eyelid surgery collaborate with opening the inner canthus of the eye, will even help the eyes look more beautiful as well.

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person.

Epicanthoplasty is a small surgery that not requires recuperate and suitable for Thai women who want to have round big eyes and more beautiful. At the moment, Eye surgery is being a trend that is very popular in plastic surgery among celebrities. Eye surgery is a delicate handicraft and requires specialized expertise and experience, therefore, it should study the information and view the surgical work of the doctor decided to get the most beautiful and suitable eyes for the face.

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person. 

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person. 


Specialist of eye surgery in Thailand

Dr.Comepeerapon Siripakkaphant or Dr.Roungkaw is an ophthalmologist expert on the matter of the eye as well as going to further study about eye surgery, especially at the famous institute with an expert on eye surgery and epicanthoplasty from South Korea. Dr.Roungkaw was trusted by the teacher to perform the surgery on her own with every real patient and also has a large number of patients undergoing surgery.  Consequently, Dr.Roungkaw is the specialist in eye surgery, especially in the matter of "Epicanthoplasty".





ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person. ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล



The result may vary depending on each person.
ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา

The result may vary depending on each person. ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล