fbpx  Khun. Peach ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty) | ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา ถุงใต้ตา โดยหมอรวงข้าว และทีมจักษุศัลยแพทย์ ออกแบบดวงตา วิเคราะห์ปัญหาตรงจุด

 Khun. Peach ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty)

 Khun. Peach ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty)


 Khun. Peach ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty) Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic

"Hello, I'm  Peach, 25 years old. Today I come here to follow up the result after 1 month of an operation. I really love it.  I had been done lovely blepharoplasty and expert epicanthoplasty. After an operation, my friends give me a very good feedback. Also, the beauty consultants give a very good advice and service. Importantly, it doesn't hurt as I think. The doctor operated so gently even when injection. Thank you very much!"