fbpx Khun Kim (Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty)

Khun Kim ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty )

 Khun Kim ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty )


Khun Kim ( Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty ) Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic

"Hi, it's Kim. I'm 22 years old. Today I come here for removing sutures after 10 days of an operation. I had been done double eyelid surgery and also expert epicanthoplasty ( inner corners enlargement). In my opinion, I'm happy with the result. The lesion is recovered so fast and I've got very clear creases because previously I had unclear one. You can come closer and look at my eyes, you see that? It's really beautiful. Perfect! I love it!"