fbpx Khun Nan, a beautiful girl, she has come to add more beauty at Lovely Eye Clinic. | ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา ถุงใต้ตา โดยหมอรวงข้าว และทีมจักษุศัลยแพทย์ ออกแบบดวงตา วิเคราะห์ปัญหาตรงจุด

Khun Nan, a beautiful girl, she has come to add more beauty at Lovely Eye Clinic.

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I must say that I have an oval-shaped face person, but when taking a picture or entering the camera my face still doesn't look as good as it should be. I thought, m


The clinic is located at the Park Lane project in Ekkamai alley. Moreover, Lovely Eye Clinic is a famous clinic that focuses on the double eyelid and open corners of the eye techniques by Dr. Roungkaw (I believe that many people probably know Dr.Roungkaw quite well). Okay, let's start our story. Dr.Ja has analyzed my face shape for a long time about where to store more.


Dr. Ja suggested that my face shape quite well, but there are still wrinkles on the forehead when frowned upon and crow's feet. When smiling, it makes me look a little older. For this reason, the doctor tells me to inject Botox to collect wrinkles. (It's time to get hurt again. Let's get started)


Next, inject the frown marks. I recommend this one. If anyone likes to say that you look fierce face all the time, you must try to notice yourself that your frown upon or not because people who like to frown upon for a long time, the groove between the eyebrows is darker than the other. Sometimes we do not frown, but when the skin color becomes dark color, it makes us frown upon all the time. Lastly, anyone who has this kind of problem, hurry up and come to inject to decrease wrinkle.


Next, inject the forehead to reduce wrinkles, when showing facial expressions. Normally, I am a talkative person, when telling a story, I act all the facial expressions. During treatment, Dr. Ja always talks to me until I forget about the pains, but I feel an ant bite a little, and the doctor handles gently.


After that, Dr. Ja has told me to do the facelift machine called 3deep. This machine is a facial massage gel and specialized formula of clinical for tightening the face to be more tapering. While treatment, I feel fine, and it like I sleep in a spa to do the facial treatment, I like it and feel relaxed. The doctor said that this machine can come to do in every 1 month, it will make the face look pretty and perfect.


I finished about the beauty mission today and it passed well. The doctor is chatty to me, it gets the time flies faster. During treatment, I don't hurt at all steps. Likewise, the mood is like having a chat with a girlfriend. It's so fun. I will come back to use the service at Lovely Eye Clinic again. What's more, the staff always smiling and greeting, the doctor is also cute, smiling, good, and chatty. Lastly, I want to thank you very much for being able to design my face and analyze to the point, as I thought to keep the details very well. I love everything that is here.

The result may vary depending on each person.

ทำตาสองชั้น เปิดหัวตา
The result may vary depending on each person. ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล