fbpx Khun Sarika with impression of Lovely by Dr. Roungkaw

Khun Sarika with impression of Lovely Blepharoplasty + Expert Epicanthoplasty


Khun Sarika with impression of Lovely Blepharoplasty and Expert Epicanthoplasty by Dr. Roungkaw at Lovely Eye and Skin Clinic

Hello! My name is Sarika Bunyotha. I have problems about double eyelid with dodge eye and when I go out to see other people, they ask me such as you look sleepy?  or you look tired? all the times. Because of this, I decided to make a double eyelid with the doctor because I received advice from my friends too and talked to the doctor. I felt that I was trust here to have the doctor make double eyelids. That's why I decided to make double eyelids with Dr.Roungkaw. Now, I make double eyelid for a month and a half. I felt satisfied, and some people say what you are doing to look better. More importantly, no one has said that I look sleepy or tired at all. If anyone who wants to make double eyelids and concern about the result, such as making the double eyelid, will it be beautiful? Will the eyes be equal? or other problems. You can come and ask the doctor because the doctor will provid good advice for you. Thank you.


The result may vary depending on each person.

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The result may vary depending on each person. ผลลัพธ์การผ่าตัด แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละบุคคล